The Bus Driver

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

The bus driver hated his job

was bored of driving his hotel shuttle route

and waiting for riders always coming late to their shuttle reservations

delaying his route and getting him off schedule

which made future riders angry with him

blaming him for coming late

as they also said wait wait

we have two more colleagues still upstairs

and today his pot over-bubbled

and he closed the sliding door and put it in drive

when out the lobby door ran the last lady colleagues

holding coffee shop coffees

coffees which made them late

and they ran up to the bus and banged on the door

but he protested their lack of timeliness through the glass

shouting out he had a schedule to keep

and tapped his finger on his watch

“but she’s pregnant” yelled out one of the ladies

and the driver looked at the bigger one’s belly

rolled his eyes

put the bus in park

jerked the door open

and announced quite bluntly “only the pregnant one”

and she got on and he closed the door quick behind her

and drove away satisfied at least one tardy hotel guest

would learn a lesson.

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Check out my book “Satire In The Trump Years: The Best Of The Halfway Post,” available on Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

Also check out my poetry book Cabaret No Stare, available in print and on Kindle.

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