The RNC And GOP Are Choosing Trumpian Monarchy

Photo by Payton Tuttle on Unsplash

Donald Trump’s takeover of the RNC in appointing loyalists and his daughter-in-law Lara Trump as co-chair is funny and karmic, and a step toward Lindsey Graham’s infamous, prophetic warning (pre-brown-nosing, of course) that Trump will destroy the GOP.

Like all wannabe mob bosses, Trump is compelled to keep it in the family— “it” being his nonstop fraud and scamming. Fortunately, Lara Trump isn’t very smart, and has little political talent (or any other talent) beyond marrying into America’s most shamelessly opportunistic grifter family.

It’s also ironic Republicans hate affirmative action so much for ethnic and religious minorities when they love it so much for Trump’s nepotistical family members. I wonder if Lara can squeeze from her nepo baby job anywhere near the $2 billion Jared Kushner squeezed out from his job as self-dealing shadow secretary of state.

This is not normal politics, and Republicans are like the proverbial frog slowly boiling in a pot of water. The temperatures of Trump’s authoritarianism, greed, and egomania keep getting worse, but not so bad at once that Republicans collectively are driven to take any self-respecting, corrective action.

When Trump very soon begins hoarding the party’s cash like a personal slush fund for all his legal fees and court-mandated fines, the GOP will lose the right to call itself a legitimate, professional political party. The Democratic Party, however, will appreciate that more than a few competitive down-ballot Republican races will be lost thanks to Trump’s monopoly on campaign spending.

This Trumpification of the RNC is a big threat for the RNC’s long and medium term health. Trump is forcing out dozens of career Republican officials eight months before a presidential election, which is quite the moment to throw away combined centuries’ worth of institutional knowledge, experience, and fundraising connections.

It’s difficult to imagine a legal and moral motive of Trump for this massive party overhaul. There are very obvious illegal and immoral motives, such as Trump kicking out anyone he believes will blow the whistle at sudden surges of campaign donations that look suspiciously like Russian and Saudi money laundering. Or Trump removing anyone who might patriotically object to instances of the Trump campaign’s apparent foreign collusion. Or Trump ejecting anyone who might give money to down-ballot Republican candidates who don’t first wax poetic about how luxurious his emperor clothes look. Or Trump weeding the RNC of anyone who might, like Mike Pence, be a “pussy” at a critical moment of his next coup attempt.

But it’s hard to feel sympathy for these newly unemployed RNC officials. How many times do Republicans need to find out the hard way that Donald Trump is a malignantly narcissistic asshole with no loyalty to anyone or anything but himself and his dreams of becoming a dictator?

It’s just pathetic that the RNC would so willfully submit to Trump’s demagogic racket when Donald Trump is old, blatantly unhealthy, and clearly suffering from the mental acuity problems he’s always projecting upon Joe Biden. Trump could plausibly die of a heart attack any day now, and then what will the RNC do after submitting so completely to Trump’s personal domination? Acquiesce to Donald Jr.’s hereditary monarchy succession? *Vomits*

The GOP is straight up dismantling itself for Trump’s extremely short-term political interests and toddler king demands of aggrandizing loyalty, yet, as a liberal Democrat, I cannot enjoy it so much as feel pity for America that one of its two political parties has become a joke and swamp of one man’s sociopathic vanity. It’s nearly too late for the GOP, but I encourage sane, moderate Republicans one last time to remember the conspicuous reality that everything Trump touches dies.

Don’t say no one warned you the thorough Trumpification of the RNC will make true Lindsey Graham’s prophecy.

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