BREAKING: Sean Hannity Calls For Impeaching President Hillary Clinton Over Russian Collusion


New York City, NY—

Fox News opinionator Sean Hannity made a startling accusation today by calling for “President Hillary Clinton’s impeachment” over Russia-related scandals.

“President Hillary Clinton is in so deep with Russia that I believe Special Counsel Robert Mueller has no choice except to suggest an impeachment hearing to kick Hillary Clinton out of the White House,” Hannity said tonight. “It’s obvious that Hillary Clinton colluded, and that Russia spent the entire presidential election manipulating voters into thinking that Clinton-opponent Donald Trump bragged to Billy Bush that he regularly sexually assaulted women. That video was entirely fictional, and created by Russian hackers at the urging and funding of Hillary Clinton.”

Predictably, most of Fox News’ media coverage this weekend has been saturated with news of Clinton’s alleged scandals.

“Any news source that claims Donald Trump is actually the president, and that Trump colluded with Russians is absolutely bogus and fake news,” Hannity said. “President Hillary Clinton—who has been president for nine months since January—needs to be impeached immediately, and I hope that Robert Mueller’s investigation into Hillary’s relations with Cambridge Analytica, Alfa Bank, Russian oligarchs, and Vladimir Putin results in arrests immediately. And remember, Trump is totally innocent and not president.”

This story is developing.

(Picture courtesy of Gage Skidmore.)

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