Donald Trump Keeps Saying He Will Win “Erection 2020”

New York City, NY—

President Donald Trump seems to be having trouble pronouncing the word “election” lately, and several video clips of his rally speeches appear to show him saying “erection” instead. Quite the gaffe!

The following are several quotes Mr. Trump made at his latest rally in which he made the flub:

“My last erection was one of the best of all time.”

“No one knows more about erections than me, I can promise you that.”

“There’s nothing Democrats can do to stop my next erection.”

“Melania couldn’t believe I got erected in 2016!”

“I wonder what new blue states my campaign will penetrate in erection 2020. Maybe Minnesota this time?”

“The next erection will be even bigger than the last.”

“Democrats are very afraid I will be re-erected.”

“I don’t need any foreign help with my erections, thank you very much.”

“Hillary Clinton was pounded with my last erection.”

“We can’t let illegal immigrants steal erections away from me.”

“I will cause a landslide with my next erection.”

“I think with this next erection I will let Ivanka get involved, what do you say?”

“I want to thank Mike Pence for helping me get erected. Wasn’t he great at it?”

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