Roger Stone Got A Tattoo Of Donald Trump To Thank Him For The Pardon

Washington D.C.—

Roger Stone is infamous in the world of inked skin for the back tattoo he has of Richard Nixon, and now he just added a new corrupt president tattoo on his lower back of President Donald Trump’s face to thank Trump for commuting his prison sentences.

“Roger’s tramp stamp of Trump is about four square inches,” explained Thomas Archer, the tattoo artist who needled it. “It took about an hour because Stone wanted the design to have pretty sophisticated shading, and the hair was the most difficult part capturing the weird, thin, wispy quality of the poorly manufactured combover above his obvious bald head. Roger told me some crazy stuff while I was working on it. He said Trump used to catfish Ivanka when she was a teenager, and would call the house to talk to her pretending to be a boy from her school named John Barron. Roger said that Trump used to have phone sex with Ivanka, and he didn’t feel guilty about it because it wasn’t officially incest and he wasn’t in the same room as her at the time.”

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(Picture courtesy of a screenshot of this interview video from Fox News.)

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