Trump Claimed He Beat Obama In A Game Of Basketball During The Transition

Washington D.C.—

President Donald Trump today on Twitter claimed he beat Barack Obama in a game of basketball during their White House discussions after Trump’s victory in Election 2016.

The following is Mr. Trump’s Twitter thread:

“I heard that B. Hussein Obama called me a ‘fascist’ in private, but he’s just jealous that I’m such a better President than him! I turned America around. A lot of people don’t remember this, but America was a total shit-hole before I took over. No one had any money or jobs, and white babies grew up to be second-class citizens if they weren’t aborted!”

“Obama is just mad I beat him in basketball when we talked at the White House after the Election. He couldn’t believe it! I was too quick, and he sprained his ankle trying to keep up with me. He told me his fastest personal record running the mile, and mine was twice as fast! For a Kenyan, he’s very slow!”

“He’s also mad because I’m pro-life. A lot of people don’t know this, but I’m so good at kids. Maybe one of the best! Look at Ivanka, I did great with her! She worked her way up to Senior Adviser to the POTUS, imagine that! How many parents can say that about their kids? Obama’s daughters never got promoted to that job!”

“I’m so humble that pro-life groups like me way more than Obama. They say I’m one of the most pro-life presidents of all time. I only ever paid for a few abortions from a couple mistresses, but Democrats are way worse. They tried to make it illegal to have white babies, but I got elected just in time to rip up that deal. It was the worst trade deal in American history!”

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(Picture courtesy of the Obama White House.)

5 thoughts

  1. I believe this as truth. I’ve seen when he wears it. It looks like a rubber glove but it’s not. His palms are bigger but it looks fake. I noticed the other day he had little hands again and I knew for certain I was right. Now that’s vanity to the MAX. tRump is so vain.


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