“Build The Wall” Donors Are Happy Their Getting Conned “Totally Owned The Libs!”

El Paso, TX—

Former Trump campaign CEO Steve Bannon was recently arrested for allegations of fraud with his “Build the Wall” fundraising project, and The Halfway Post reached out to several donors of the venture to find out how they felt about getting conned.

“I think it’s hilarious!” exclaimed donor Eddy Mayden, 49, of Dallas. “I gave the group $200 a few years back, and I don’t have any regrets! Sure, Bannon and his friends didn’t spend any of my money on actually building the wall, but it was worth every penny to see the Democrats get upset at how much money we raised. We owned the libs so hard that I think Brian Kolfage deserves that boat he bought in part with my money!”

Other donors agreed with Mr. Mayden’s sentiment.

“I’ll keep donating cash to as many fundraisers for the wall as Steve Bannon will create,” said Sally McPearson, 67, of El Paso. “I don’t care if they’re all fraudulent! As long as it makes liberals mad I’m getting ripped off, I’m happy because I’m sick of Nancy Pelosi, Barack Hussein Obama, and all the other socialist Democrats always trying to get into government to end our freedoms by trying to protect us like babies! It’s my God-given American right to give my money to whomever I want, and if I want to give it to confirmed felons promising me they’re going to use the money for a wall and then keeping it for themselves to have lavish lifestyles, well, that’s none of the government’s business! This isn’t communist China, I have a right to spend my social security payments without the government playing any part in any of it!”

Other donors had more interesting thoughts.

“I’ll donate money to whatever project Steve Bannon has going on for the rest of my life!” explained Daryl Richardson, 31, of Austin. “He’s the only one calling out America’s biggest problems. He’s my hero. He’s a political genius who understands that America is a whites-only country being sold out and ruined by rich elites and globalist foreigners. I don’t know why Bannon was arrested while vacationing with a Chinese billionaire on a $28 million yacht, but he was probably doing some kind of undercover spy work. There’s no way he’d actually be friends with a foreign elitist globalist, it would be way too inconsistent and hypocritical! So there has to be some other explanation. I’m sure the real reason is to totally own the libs somehow. I donated $100 more to the ‘Build the Wall’ fundraiser when I saw he got arrested!”

From The Halfway Post vault:

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(Picture courtesy of Gage Skidmore.)

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